-授業とカリキュラムのデザインに向けて- 藤江 康彦5
-評価の三角形による個に応じた指導の実現- 渡辺 理文9
●多様な表現方法を取り入れた実験のまとめ 孕石 泰孝13
-協働に支えられた個別化・個性化を目指して- 吉金 佳能16
●生物の巧みな構造や機能の意味を考える理科授業-第6学年「植物が生命を維持する働き」の授業実践を通した子どもが主語の学び- 鮫島 圭介19
●自然事象に向き合う児童の「個別最適な学び」-第1学年:生活科から理科へとつながる,植物の観察と動物の飼育を通して- 長島 雄介22
-第6学年「燃焼の仕組み」の実践を通して- 岩本 哲也25
●個別最適な学びとICT活用-天体の単元を通して「学習の個性化」と「指導の個別化」を探る- 神谷 昭吾28
●個別最適な学びの視点を取り入れた野外観察の充実-オンラインマップの活用を加えた「身近な地形や地層,岩石の観察」- 杉田 泰一31
●「個別最適な学び」と「協働的な学び」の一体的な充実に向けて-中学校第1学年「身の回りの物質」における二つの実践から- 渡邊 君庸34
-科学的な探究の学習過程にロイロノートを取り入れる- 梶原 弘子37
-工業科の現状と今後の人財育成に向けて- 岡本 昌賢40
-自己調整につなげるための授業実践- 吉田 朋子44
-実験計画で生徒に何を求めるのか- 大嶌 竜午48
イカの解剖と観察 新井 直志50
水素という気体の性質を実感する① 田中 千尋52
電化製品の分解から電流・磁界の現象を考える 椿 椋介54
「デナリの風」を科学する 栗秋 正寿56
学名:Spheniscus humboldti
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
What is “Individually Optimal Learning of Science” ?
5 To Consider the Teaching Methodology of “Individually Optimal Learning” : The Design of Instruction and Curriculum
FUJIE Yasuhiko, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo
9 Evaluation to Support the Individually Optimal Learning of Science : To Give Instruction Tailored to Individual Needs, Using the Assessment Triangle
WATANABE Masafumi, Hokkaido University of Education (Sapporo Campus), Hokkaido
13 A Summary of Experiments in Which Various Modes of Expression Are Incorporated Into Them
HARAMIISHI Yasutaka, Elementary School Attached to Kansai University, Osaka
16 Learning of Science in Which the Pace of Classwork is Flexible Within Units of Study : Aiming to Individualization and Personalization, Supported by Collaboration
YOSHIKANE Kanou, Hosen Gakuen Elementary School, Tokyo
19 Science Lesson in Which a Teacher Has Children Think the Sophisticated Structures and Functions of Living Things : Child-centered Approach to the Practice of “Functions that Support Life of Plants” in 6th Grade
SAMESHIMA Keisuke, Elementary School Attached to Kagoshima University, Kagoshima
22 “Individually Optimal Learning” in Which Children Are Confronted with Natural Phenomena : To Develop Observation of Plants and Raising Animals, From “Living Environment Studies” in 1st Grade Into “Science” in 3rd Grade on
NAGASHIMA Yusuke, Elementary School Attached to Nara Women’s University, Nara
25 Science Lesson in Which Children’s “Individuality and Diversity” Are Recognized : Practice of “Mechanism of Combustion” in 6th Grade
IWAMOTO Tetsuya, Ajihara Elementary School, Osaka
28 Individually Optimal Learning, and the Use of ICT : To Explore “Individualized Learning” and “Individualized Teaching,” Through the Unit of Celestial Bodies
KAMIYA Shogo, Shimada Lower Secondary School Attached to Shizuoka University, Shizuoka
31 To Enrich the Field Observation, by Introducing a Viewpoint of Individually Optimal Learning : “Observation of Familiar Terrain, Strata, and Rocks,” Using Online Map
SUGITA Taiichi, Secondary School Attached to Hiroshima University, Hiroshima
34 Aiming to Unify “Individually Optimal Learning” and “Collaborative Learning” : Two Practices of “Materials Around Us” in 7th Grade
WATANABE Kunyou, Fukushima University attached junior high school, Fukushima
37 Science Lesson to Alternate between “Individually Optimal Learning” and “Collaborative Learning” : To Introduce LoiloNote Into Learning Process That Is Scientific and Inquiry-based
KAJIWARA Hiroko, Heiraku Lower Secondary School, Kanagawa
40 Practice of Teaching at Vocational High School Where Students Try to Retain Knowledge Longer in their Head : Current Situation of Technical Course, and the Next Human Resources Development
OKAMOTO Masayoshi, Mobara-shouyou Upper Secondary School, Chiba
44 An Example of Mutual Evaluation Activity in High School Biology : Educational Practices That Can Lead to Self-Adjustment
YOSHIDA Tomoko, Ajimu Upper Secondary School, Oita
48 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
50 Demonstrations to Attract Students
52 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
54 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
56 Science and My Job
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji