-理科の学びを強化する機能を中心に- 加藤 直樹 5
山下 修一 9
●指導者用デジタル教科書の特徴を活かした小学校理科の学習指導-「月や星の見え方」の事例分析を通して- 池田 和正・渡辺 尚・中山 慎也 13
塩盛 秀雄 17
-第4学年「すがたを変える水」の実践を通して- 小林 靖隆 21
芙蓉 良明 25
-中学校第1学年「(単元4)大地の変化」- 西村 紳一郎 29
●理科教育における学習者用デジタル教科書の可能性-中学校第1学年大地の成り立ちと変化「地震」の実践を通して- 内藤 理恵 33
-子どもから理科を学ぶ面白さを奪わないために- 渡部 智喜 37
●学習者用デジタル教科書の展望と課題-つくば市内の義務教育学校,小学校における授業実践と展開- 市原 猛・内田 卓 41
●使いだして見えてきたデジタル教科書のよさ 山口 晃弘 45
2種類のモーター教材を利用して電流が磁界から力を受ける仕組みを理解する授業 榊原 保志・前野 十行・喜多 雅一50
炎の中で酸化銅を還元する 髙田 太樹52
水素という気体の性質を実感する② 田中 千尋54
「眼球モデル」で目のつくりを調べる 西郷 和俊56
学名:Trichonephila clavata
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
“Digital Textbooks for Learners” Can Be Main Educational Resources?
5 The Current State of Digital Textbooks for Learners : Focusing on the Functions of Boosting Science Instruction
KATO Naoki, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo
9 What Are “Digital Textbooks for Learners” Effective For?
YAMASHITA Shuichi, Chiba University, Chiba
13 Teaching Method of Elementary School Science by Making Use of Characteristics of Digital Textbooks for Teachers : Case Analysis of “Observing the Moon and Stars”
IKEDA Kazumasa, Sendai Dai-3 Upper Secondary School ; WATANABE Naoshi ; NAKAYAMA Shinya, Miyagi University of Education, Miyagi
17 Attractive Features of Digital Textbooks : For Children to Make Effective Use of Them
SHIOMORI Hideo, Elementary School Attached to Saitama University, Saitama
21 Possibility of New Learning Style That Combines Digital Textbooks for Learners With Notebooks : Practice of “How Water Changes State” in 4th Grade
KOBAYASHI Yasutaka, Koganei Elementary School Attached to Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo
25 Prospects of Science Lesson in Lower Secondary School, Using Digital Textbooks : Taking Part in “Research Project of Digital Textbooks for Learners, to Ensure and Promote Learning” Hosted by MEXT
FUYO Yoshiaki, Oshi Lower Secondary School, Saitama
29 Practical Example of Instruction, Using Images of a Volcanic Eruption : “Change in Strata of the Earth” in 7th Grade
NISHIMURA Shin-ichiro, Hirohata Lower Secondary School, Shizuoka
33 Prospects for Digital Textbooks for Learners in Science Education : Composition of the Earth and Its Changes “Earthquake” in 7th Grade
NAITO Rie, Komazawa Lower Secondary School, Tokyo
37 Ideal Science Lesson by Making Effective Use of ICT : Not to Deprive Children of Having Fun Learning Science
WATABE Tomoki, Elementary School Attached to Miyagi University of Education, Miyagi
41 Prospects and Challenges of Digital Textbooks for Learners : Educational Practices and Prospects at Elementary Schools and Compulsory Education School in Tsukuba
ICHIHARA Takeshi, Gakuen-no-Mori Compulsory Education School ; UCHIDA Suguru, Azuma Elementary School, Ibaraki
45 The Advantages of Digital Textbooks That Can be Found After Being Used Several Times
YAMAGUCHI Akihiro, National Study Group on Middle School Science
50 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
52 Demonstrations to Attract Students
54 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
56 Tips to Spice up
Instructional Materials
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji