●理科の授業におけるキャリア教育実践の在り方-Society 5.0に参画し,生きていく子どもたちに伝えるべきこととは何か- 藤田 晃之5
-学びの有用性を価値付ける「宇宙で授業パッケージ」- 野村 健太9
石井 知愛子13
●自らが考え,仲間と協力しながら最後までやり抜く授業づくり-課題対応能力を付けるためのパフォーマンス課題について- 島 聡敏16
福原 悠介・安部 慎也19
●理科の有用性を実感し主体的に学ぶ生徒の育成-日常生活と関連した問題とその解決に迫る単元構想を通して- 内藤 美佳23
●課題対応能力の育成,生徒が自己評価を行うことを意識した理科授業-生徒が実験を計画する実践,OPPシートによる実践を通して- 森 泰一26
-「キャリアプランニング能力」の育成の視点を踏まえて- 一安 恵29
長谷川 隼也32
-これまでの実践を振り返って- 水野 晃秀35
●酒田東高等学校SSHにおける1年次の取り組みについて-外部連携を軸とするサイエンスへの興味・関心の喚起を目指して- 本間 寛行38
-専門高校における理科教育とは- 北出 裕賀里41
全国大会(1次案内) 56
入会案内 58
学名:Lemur catta
霊長目 キツネザル科。
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Science Learning and Career Education
5 The Ideal of Educational Practices of Career Education in Science Lesson : What is the Message We Should Get Across to Children, Living in Society 5.0 ?
FUJITA Teruyuki, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki
9 Space Education and Career Education Promoted by JAXA Space Education Center
NOMURA Kenta, JAXA (Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency), Tokyo
13 Science Lessons by Introducing a Viewpoint of Career Education : Development of Materials That Help Children Realize the Usefulness
ISHII Chieko, Oamishirasato Municipal Mizuho Elementary School, Chiba
16 Lesson Planning for Children to Think for Themselves, and Carry it Through to the End, in Cooperation with Friends
SHIMA Satoshi, Hirano Elementary School Attached to Osaka Kyoiku University, Osaka
19 The Situation Has Changed with ICT ! Lesson Planning Designed to Raise Awareness About Technology, and to Obtain the Spatio-Temporal Viewpoints
FUKUHARA Yusuke, Sengari Elementary School ; ABE Shinya, Aomori Municipal Board of Education, Aomori
23 Encouraging Students to Realize the Usefulness of Science and to Study On their Own
NAITO Mika, Takizawa Lower Secondary School, Iwate
26 Science Instruction Designed for Students to Develop Ability to Deal with Issues and to Make a Self-Evaluation
MORI Taiichi, Shunan Municipal Kikugawa Lower Secondary School, Yamaguchi
29 Lessons Designed to Connect “Quantitative Balance of Biomes” With Career Education
ICHIYASU Kei, Koushi Kaedenomori Elementary School, Kumamoto
32 To Devise a Teaching Method of Relating Various Types of Vocations With Learning Contents of Science
HASEGAWA Toshiya, Yoshida Lower Secondary School, Saitama
35 Current Situation and Future Prospect in Community Service Activities at Fisheries High School : Looking Back on the Practices So Far
MIZUNO Kouki, Uwajima Fisheries Upper Secondary School, Ehime
38 Tenth-Grade SSH Project at Sakata-higashi Upper Secondary School
HONMA Hiroyuki, Sakata-higashi Upper Secondary School, Yamagata
41 To Accumulate Experiences Through Science, and Make a Connection with Knowledge : Science Education at Specialized/Vocational High Schools
KITADE Yukari, Suisei Upper Secondary, Ishikawa
44 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
46 Demonstrations to Attract Students
48 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
50 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji