-学習評価から考える授業改善と内面を捉える記述分析- 山中 謙司5
●子どもの能力を伸長させるための「指導と評価の一体化」 佐藤 寛之9
-第5学年・生命領域での実践を通して- 松山 明道13
-第6学年「てこのしくみとはたらき」を通して- 木浪 太志16
-第5学年「物の溶け方」の実践を通して- 春日 光19
-iPadとGoogle Classroomを用いた高学年での実践- 松田 暢元22
-ICTの活用と形成的な評価- 神谷 紘祥26
-学習評価の場面と方法に着目して- 米田 典生29
-学びの変容を自覚できる振り返りシートを活用して- 若林 教裕32
-解答パターンを分析し,それに応じた指導をする- 前川 哲也35
●「指導と評価の計画」に基づいた授業実践-生物基礎における評価方法と授業デザインの工夫と改善- 堀口 人士38
●学習意欲を高める「探究科学」の評価-継続した取り組みによる科学的リテラシー向上と評価規準の上方修正- 生田 依子・真井 克子41
全国大会(1次案内) 60
入会案内 61
学名:Macropus giganteus
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
I’ve Just Tried “Integrating Evaluation with Teaching”
5 To Improve Lesson Evaluation, Aimed to Develop Students’ Quality and Ability : Instructional Improvement Viewed from the Lesson Evaluation, and Analysis of Writing Assignment
YAMANAKA Kenji, Hokkaido University of Education, Hokkaido
9 “Integration of Evaluation with Teaching” for Children to Develop their Ability
SATO Hiroyuki, Waseda University, Tokyo
13 Improving the Evaluation, Aimed to Use the Next Learning, by Grasping the Children’s Situation : Practice at Life Science in 5th Grade
MATSUYAMA Akimichi, Elementary School Attached to Kumamoto University, Kumamoto
16 Science Class and Evaluation to Solve the Problem Actively : Practice of “The System and Function of Lever” in 6th Grade
KINAMI Motoshi, Uramachi Elementary School, Aomori
19 Teaching and Evaluation Designed to Help Children Solve the Problems Actively : Practice of “Dissolving Substances in Water” in 5th Grade
KASUGA Hikaru, Heijou-nishi Elementary School, Nara
22 Improving the Evaluation, Using One PC/Tablet for Each Student : Practice in 5, 6th Grade, Using iPad and Google Classroom
MATSUDA Nobumoto, Mitaka Municipal Kitano Elementary School, Tokyo
26 Viewpoint of Reflecting and Showing Perspectives : The Use of ICT and Formative Evaluation
KAMIYA Hiroyoshi, Yokohama Lower Secondary School Attached to Yokohama National University, Kanagawa
29 Integrating Evaluation with Teaching, in the “Attitude of Studying Actively”: Focussing on the Reality and Method of Lesson Evaluation
YONEDA Norio, Osaka City Education Center, Osaka
32 “Integrating Evaluation with Teaching” in Which Students Can Realize the Significance and Usefulness of Studying Science : To Use the Reflection Sheets That Students Can Realize the Instructional Effectiveness
WAKABAYASHI Noriyasu, Mitoyo Lower Secondary School, Kagawa
35 Integration of Teaching with Evaluation about Pressure : By Analyzing Answer Patterns, Give an Instruction in Response to That Analysis
MAEKAWA Tetsuya, Lower Secondary School Attached to Ochanomizu University, Tokyo
38 Instructional Practices Based on the “Planning of Evaluation and Teaching” : Improvement of Evaluation Method and Instructional Design in Basic Biology
HORIGUCHI Hitoshi, Obihiro-sanjyo Upper Secondary School, Hokkaido
41 Evaluation of “Inquiry-based Science” That Will Increase Students’ Motivation to Study : Continued Efforts to Improve the Scientific Literacy, and Upward Revision of Evaluation Criteria
IKUTA Yoriko, Seisho Lower & Upper Secondary School : SANAI Katsuko, Nara Prefectural Board of Education, Nara
44 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
46 Demonstrations to Attract Students
48 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
50 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji