●「GIGAスクール構想」の3ステップと理科学習 久保田 善彦5
●理科学習における1人1台端末の活用を振り返る-自治体や学校のGIGAスクール環境の確認と理科授業を見直す視点- 柿沼 宏充9
●子どもたちが生き生きと問題を解決するこれからの理科授業-直接的な体験活動と1人1台端末の活用が融合した授業を目指して- 中村 誠13
-子どもにとっての問題解決を促すICT活用- 佐藤 琢朗16
-Google Classroomを活用した小学校第6学年での挑戦- 堀 道雄19
-第5学年での実践を通して- 木下 順由22
●タブレット端末の文具的活用が生み出す学びの空間-判断の主体を子どもたちに委ねる授業デザインの1年次- 井野 雄介26
-「深める場」における1人1台端末の活用を通して- 奈良 大29
-中学校第2学年「気象とその変化」における実践から- 内藤 理恵32
●中学校の理科授業における1人1台端末の活用-日々の授業での活用と遠隔授業での活用についての考察- 平山 将也35
●自宅で行う観察・実験を充実させる1人1台端末の活用-「だ液による消化実験」や「継続的な気象観測」の実践を例にして- 川島 紀子38
●高等学校物理の授業におけるデジタルトランスフォーメーション(DX)-1人1台端末を見据えた物理領域における探究活動の試み- 石川 真理代41
-コロナ禍で模索した様々な教材とその活用- 矢崎 貴紀44
●地学分野における1人1台端末の利用に関して-インターネット上で共有可能な教材の開発と遠隔授業の実施- 飯田 和也47
概念転換方略を導入した理科授業と実験の役割―小学校第5学年「振り子の運動」の実践― 比樂 憲一50
-日本理科教育振興協会の調査から- 山口 晃弘52
緑色の水槽の生き物 田中 千尋54
フタホシコオロギの観察と飼育 谷口 真也56
●理科教育 今気になること
次世代企画委員会(西内 舞・雲財 寛・川崎 弘作)58
ロウソク! どっちが先に消える? 辻本 昭彦60
全国大会(3次案内) 63
入会案内 68
学名:Pieris rapae
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Science Instruction by Using One PC/Tablet for Each Student
5 Three Steps of “GIGA School Project,” and Science Lessons
KUBOTA Yoshihiko, Tamagawa University, Tokyo
9 Looking Back on the Utilization of One PC/Tablet for Each Student in Science Lessons : The Ascertainment of Environmental Conditions of GIGA School Project in Autonomous Community and Schools, and the Viewpoints of Reviewing Science Lessons
KAKINUMA Hiromitsu, Saitama Education Bureau, Saitama
13 Science Lessons in the Future, Encouraging Children to Actively Take Part in Problem-Solving : Aiming for Lessons in Which First-hand Experience Activities and Use of One PC/Tablet for Each Student Are Integrated
NAKAMURA Makoto, Omiya-minami Elementary School, Saitama
16 Instructional Practice in Which Individuals and Friends Can Record, Share, and Manage Data with One PC/Tablet for Each Student : The Use of ICT to Help Children Develop Problem-solving Skills
SATO Takuro, Kikuyo-nishi Elementary School, Kumamoto
19 Accomplishments and Challenges of Using a Tablet PC As a “Stationery” : An Adventure in 6th Grade, Using Google Classroom
HORI Michio, Kawanishi Elementary School, Shiga
22 Possibility of One PC/Tablet for Each Student, Which Is Used Throughout the Year : Instructional Practice in 5th Grade
KINOSHITA Masayoshi, Nagahama Elementary School, Oita
26 Learning Space Generated by Using a Tablet PC As a Stationery : First-year Instructional Design to Leave the Decision up to Children
INO Yusuke, Yao Elementary School, Osaka
29 Science Lessons Aimed at Encouraging Students to Find Solutions to the Assignments Relating to Science : The Use of One PC/Tablet for Each Student at a “Place for Deepening Knowledge”
NARA Dai, Nagoya Lower Secondary School Attached to Aichi University of Education, Aichi
32 One PC/Tablet for Each Student, Which Is a Useful Aid Beyond Expectation in the Classroom by “Trial and Error” : Practice of “Weather and its Change” in 8th Grade
NAITO Rie, Kamazawa Lower Secondary School, Tokyo
35 Utilization of One PC/Tablet for Each Student, in Middle School Science : Consideration on the Use of PC/Tablet in Regular and Remote Lessons
HIRAYAMA Masaya, Nakama-Kita Lower Secondary School, Fukuoka
38 Utilization of One PC/Tablet for Each Student, to Promote Take-home Observations and Experiments : As Examples of “Digestion Experiment Using Saliva” and “Continuous Meteorological Observation”
KAWASHIMA Noriko, Bunkyo-Ward Dai-6 Lower Secondary School, Tokyo
41 Digital Transformation (DX) in High School Physics Class : An Attempt to Do Inquiry-based Activities in Physics, Using One PC/Tablet for Each Student
ISHIKAWA Mariyo, Toshima Upper Secondary School, Tokyo
44 Searching for Effective Digital Materials in Physics Class : Various Instructional Materials and Their Utilization Amid COVID-19 Spread
YAZAKI Takanori, Upper Secondary Division of Tamagawa Academy, Tokyo
47 Utilization of One PC/Tablet for Each Student, in Earth Science : Development of Shareable Instructional Materials on the Web, and Implementation of Remote Teaching
IIDA Kazuya, Komaba-Toho Lower & Upper Secondary School, Tokyo
50 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
52 Demonstrations to Attract Students
54 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
56 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
58 What Intrigues Me About Science Education
60 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji