久保田 善彦6
●SDGs の時代に求められる理科教育の課題
-気候変動の問題にいかに取り組むか- 藤井 浩樹10
●実際の理科授業でどのように「深い学び」を実現するのか 山下 修一12
●理科教育の10年を振り返り,これからの教育を考える 清原 洋一14
-NOS を研究テーマとする若手研究者の立場から- 小林 優子16
稲田 結美18
●日本型の開かれた理科教育へ-学術連携の重要性とその基盤を構築する教科等横断型教育- 大貫 麻美20
-10年後も教育課程委員会はありますか?- 松浦 拓也22
三宅 志穂24
●理科教育における子どもの学びの充実を考える 森本 信也26
●理科教育のこれまでの10年,これからの10年 稲垣 成哲28
-不変と劇的な変化を見据える- 西尾 克人30
●これからの理科教育実践に求められること 吉永 公紀34
-平成20,29年度改訂に込められたねらい- 塚田 昭一36
下吉 美香38
-小学校第4学年「空気と水の性質」を例に- 杉野 さち子40
-情報社会の進展でさらに高まる理科教育の重要性- 大熊 一正42
●教師の学びには終わりがない-現場教師の不易・流行- 梶原 弘子44
-やっぱり日本の理科教育の現場はすごいと思う- 江崎 士郎46
●「科学者視点」から思考していく探究活動-発見された法則や理論,開発された科学技術の背景に着目して- 中込 泰規48
-高校化学の実践の場より- 鮫島 朋美50
●受験者数・科目・道具・評価が変わった 松本 浩司52
-理科教育の充実・発展に向けて共に歩む- 仁井田 孝春54
■特別寄稿 月刊『理科の教育』に寄せて
●理論と実践をつなぐ『理科の教育』-誌面づくりの裏側- 上野 絵美56
全国大会報告 71
総目次 74
入会案内 80
学名:Rana japonica
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Special Feature on 70th Anniversary of the Founding of “Society of Japan Science Teaching” : Science Education, in the Last 10 Years, in the Next 10 Years
6 To Reconsider the “Problem-Solving & Inquiry” : Investigation of the Diversity of Inquiry and Its Process
KUBOTA Yoshihiko, Tamagawa University, Tokyo
10 The Challenge of Science Education That is Required in the Age of SDGs : How Should We Tackle the Problem of Climate Change ?
FUJII Hiroki, Okayama University, Okayama
12 How Can We Realize “Deep Learning” in Real Science Lesson ?
YAMASHITA Shuichi, Chiba University, Chiba
14 To Consider the Education in the Future, Looking Back on Science Education in the Past 10 Years
KIYOHARA Youichi, Shumei University, Chiba
16 Understanding of Science to Help Students Cultivate Talents and Skills in Future Science Education
KOBAYASHI Yuko, University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki
18 What Is It Like to Promote Diversity in Science Education ? : Focusing on the Viewpoint of Gender
INADA Yumi, Nippon Sport Science University, Tokyo
20 Japanese-style Science Education That Is Open to Society : Closer Collaboration of Academia, and to Lay the Base for Its Collaboration, Education for Interdisciplinary Approach
OUNUKI Asami, Shirayuri University, Tokyo
22 What Role the Curriculum Committee Should Play ? : Does the Curriculum Committee Still Continue to Exist 10 Years Later ?
MATSUURA Takuya, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima
24 Science Education and International Exchange : Two Proposals to Embody Globalization in this Society
MIYAKE Shiho, Kobe College, Hyogo
26 To Promote the Quality of Children’s Learning in Science Education
MORIMOTO Shinya, Yokohama National University, Kanagawa
28 Science Education, in the Previous 10 Years, in the Next 10 Years
INAGAKI Shigenori, Rikkyo University, Tokyo
30 Science Learning Based on the Problem-Solving Continuously From the Past to Present
NISHIO Katsuto, Minami-Shiraitodai Elementary School, Tokyo
34 What Is Needed in the Educational Practice of Science Education in the Future
YOSHINAGA Kiminori, Sony Science Teachers Association, Tokyo
36 The Transition of Curriculum Guidelines of Science : The Aims of the Revision of 2008, 2017 Version
TSUKADA Shouichi, Jumonji University, Saitama
38 Science Lesson to Have Children Find the Value of “Solving Problems Scientifically” On their Own
SHIMOYOSHI Mika, Unchuu Elementary School, Hyogo
40 Going Public the Educational Practice Based on the Assessment Literacy, and Giving Reflections : “Properties of Air and Water” in 4th Grade
SUGINO Sachiko, Elementary School Attached to Ochanomizu University, Tokyo
42 To Find out What Kind of Research is Needed Over the Next Decade, Looking Back on the 10-Year Science Education
OKUMA Kazumasa, Japan Junior High Schools Science Education Society, Tokyo
44 Teachers’ Research Work Is Never Done : Something Easily Changeable and Never Changeable of Classroom Teachers
KAJIWARA Hiroko, Okano Lower Secondary School, Kanagawa
46 Situation in the Past and in the Future, Viewed from the Transition of Curriculum Guidelines
EZAKI Shirou, Kinuta-Minami Lower Secondary School(formerly), Tokyo
48 Inquiry-based Activity to Try and Think from the “Viewpoint of Scientists”
NAKAGOMI Taiki, Takehaya Lower Secondary School Attached to Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo
50 To Maintain the Systematic Learning of Japanese Science Education, and Conform to the International Standard
SAMEJIMA Tomomi, Tokyo Gakugei University International Secondary School, Tokyo
52 Subjects, Tools, Evaluation, and the Number of Applicants Have Changed
MATSUMOTO Kouji, Upper Secondary School Attached to Ehime University, Ehime
54 In Commemoration of the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of “Society of Japan Science Teaching”
NIIDA Takaharu, Japan Society of Physics and Chemistry Education, Tokyo
56 “Science Education Monthly” That Combines Theory with Practice : Inside Story of Laying Out Pages of the Issue
UENO Emi, Toyokan Publishing Co., Tokyo
58 Round-Table Talks : To Inquire the Essence of Science Education
Editorial Board of “Science Education Monthly”
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji