●メタ認知を促す理科授業の再考 木下 博義5
●メタ認知の概念を深く理解して理科の授業づくりに活かす 久坂 哲也9
-自己評価の省察活動におけるメタ認知の涵養- 鈴木 一成13
●メタ認知能力を高める仮説設定と振り返り指導-生きてはたらく専有知の構築を目指す理科授業における仮説設定と振り返り- 小林 和雄17
鍛治 裕之21
濁川 智子24
-第3学年「ものと重さ」の実践から- 小川 泰明27
-小学校第6学年「水溶液の性質」を事例に- 齊藤 徳明30
●科学的に問題を解決することの価値を見いだす理科学習-第6学年「水溶液の性質」で,共に立ち止まり考えることを通して- 吉村 真司33
●一人一人にとって学びのある授業にするために-「メタ認知」の活動的要素であるモニタリングやコントロールを促す授業の工夫- 西村 信吾36
●メタ認知を促す「探究の過程を振り返る」学習過程の工夫-探究の過程が科学的に妥当であるか検討する活動を通して- 櫻井 康之39
-生徒の困惑した点を明確にすることを起点として- 山木戸 啓42
小学校生活科における気付きの質の高まり 林 康成46
微視的な見方・考え方を豊かにする小学校の実験の振り返り 宮内 卓也48
アルミ玉を作ろう 田中 千尋50
対話的な学びを通して深い学びにつなげる授業の工夫 坪井 和真52
スマホでサイエンス 辻本 昭彦54
学名:Suricata suricatta
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Improving Science Lessons Aimed to Promote “Metacognition”
5 Reconsideration of Science Lessons to Promote Metacognition
KINOSHITA Hiroyoshi, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima
9 Having a Deep Understanding of Metacognition Concept, and Making Use of it in Science Teaching
HISASAKA Tetsuya, Iwate University, Iwate
13 The Reflection of Science Lessons Conducive to Developing Metacogition : Promoting the Metacognition at the Scenes of Reflecting the Self-evaluation
SUZUKI Issei, Toyo University, Tokyo
17 Formulating Hypotheses that Improve Metacognition Ability, and the Teaching of Looking Back on Them
KOBAYASHI Kazuo, University of Fukui, Fukui
21 Aiming for the Science Instruction that Create New Ideas, With Children’s Thoughts and Ideas As a Steppingstone : Simulated Experience by Using Materials Around Us, in “Composition of the Strata and their Changes” in Sixth Grade
KAJI Hiroyuki, Washinoki Elementary School, Hokkaido
24 Teaching Method of Science Aimed to Increase Thinking Power By Mutually Pointing Out “Uncertainty” in Children’s Thought
NIGORIKAWA Satoko, Konosu-Kita Lower Secondary School, Saitama
27 Instructional Design of Science, Based on the Metacognition : Practice of “Object and Weight” in 3rd Grade
OGAWA Yasuaki, Suge Elementary School, Kanagawa
30 Science Lesson in Which Children’s Thoughts and Ideas Develop into Deeper Learning, Activating Metacognition : Using an Example of “Properties of Aqueous Solutions” in 6th Grade
SAITO Noriaki, Kugenuma Elementary School, Kanagawa
33 Science Lesson Aimed to Seek Deep Meanings in Solving Problems Scientifically : “Properties of Aqueous Solutions” in 6th Grade
YOSHIMURA Shinji, Fukuoka Prefectural Education Center, Fukuoka
36 In a Bid to Make the Lessons More Meaningful to Each Student : To Improve Lessons Aimed to Promote Monitoring and Control, That Is the Active Factor of “Metacognition”
NISHIMURA Shingo, Kamakura Lower Secondary School Attached to Yokohama National University, Kanagawa
39 To Improve the Learning Process of “Reviewing the Process of Inquiry” that Promote the Metacognition : Through the Activity of Examining Whether or Not the Process of Inquiry is Scientifically Adequate
SAKURAI Yasuyuki, Lower Secondary School Attached to Gunma University, Gunma
42 Educational Practice that Promotes the Metacognition in High School Chemistry : Making It Clear What Students Find Puzzling, and Using It As a Starting Point
YAMAKIDO Hajime, Itsukaichi Upper Secondary School, Hiroshima
50 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
52 Demonstrations to Attract Students
54 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
56 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
61 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji