●持続可能な社会の構築と理科教育への期待 −防災・減災,復興と連動したこれからの理科教育− 藤岡 達也5
●自然災害に対応した理科教育の役割と重要性−命・財産を護るための防災・減災教育と地域を護るための持続可能教育− 松本 一郎9
●自分の命は自分で守る −科学的な思考で想定外をなくす− 鎌田 鉄朗14
●熊本地震から5年,大切な人を守るための理科教育−地震を経験した当事者として,理科教育に今求められているものを考える− 上村 早苗17 ●東日本大震災の教訓をどう生かすか−学校安全計画の見直しと防災教育の推進− 齋藤 由美子・中山 慎也20
●東日本大震災以降,防災・減災学習はどのように変わったのか −被災地に立地する高校での取り組みを通して− 佐々木 克敬23
●7月豪雨災害から見えた課題と実践 −タイムライン作成の授業実践を通して− 中山 理香子26
●科学的な根拠に基づく「判断力」を育む理科の授業−「流れる水の働きと土地の変化」「土地のつくりと変化」の実践を通して− 馬上 望29
●自然事象に正しく備え,恐れるための物差しを育む−「水は動いている」ことと「災害が起きるとき」を捉えさせる− 谷口 智彦32
●プログラミングを用いたものづくりで自然災害に立ち向かう−「災害」に対する課題意識をもった小学校第5学年「電磁石の性質」の実践− 今林 義勝35
●既習事項を活用し,災害の視点を育む学習 −身近な自然現象を自分なりに解釈する子どもの育成− 田中 憲治38
●自助の能力と共助の精神を高め,大災害を乗り越える防災教育−防災教育のカリキュラム・マネジメントの実現による地域連携と教科横断的な防災教育の実践− 上田 尊41
●津波が来たときの行動指針を科学的な根拠を基につくろう −空・雨・傘のつながりで防災を考える− 前川 哲也44
●震災を経験して得たこと —考え行動するために必要なこと— 高橋 啓47 連載講座
●『理科教育学研究』を授業に生かす 詳細な実験計画を基にした水溶液の効率的な判別実験 −フローチャート型実験計画による批判的な議論を基に− 後藤 勝洋50
●生徒をひきつける観察・実験 光を分ける・光を混ぜる 江崎 士郎52
●教材研究一直線 アサガオ丸ごと大観察 田中 千尋54
●教材の隠し味 音の可視化 田崎 彰56
●理科とわたしの仕事 「科学的態度」と「自己肯定感」 石松 拓人58 学会通信59 全国大会プログラム 60 次号予告82
(SOMEHOW) Society of Japan Science Teaching SCIENCE EDUCATION MONTHLY 2021/Vol.70/No.830 What Can Science Education Contribute to Natural Disaster Preparedness ? 5 Good Prospect of Science Education, and Construction of Sustainable Society : Future Development of Science Education That Is Linked to Disaster Prevention or Mitigation and Recovery FUJIOKA Tatsuya, Shiga University, Shiga 9 Role and Significance of Science Education That Responds to Natural Disasters : Education for Disaster Preparedness to Protect Lives and Property, and Education for Sustainable Development to Protect the Community MATSUMOTO Ichiro, Shimane University, Shimane 14 Students Should Learn to Fend for Themselves : To Cover Every Contingency by Thinking Scientifically KAMADA Tetsuro, Sanuma Lower Secondary School, Miyagi 17 Science Education Aimed to Protect People Who Matter From Danger, Now That Five Years Have Passed Since Kumamoto Earthquake UEMURA Sanae, Yabe Lower Secondary School, Kumamoto 20 Lessons Learned from the Great East Japan Earthquake, How Can We Apply It to Practical Matters ? : To Review School Safety Program, and Promote Education for Disaster Preparedness SAITO Yumiko, Shichigo Elementary School ; NAKAYAMA Shin-ya, Miyagi University of Education, Miyagi 23 How Emergency Programs Had Changed, After the Great East Japan Earthquake ? : An Effort at our High School Located at the Devastated Area SASAKI Katsunori, Sendai-Daisan Upper Secondary School, Miyagi 26 Challenge and Practice, Seen from Disastrous Heavy Rainfall in June : Instructional Practice of Establishing a Timeline NAKAYAMA RIKAKO, Hitoyoshi-Nishi Elementary School, Kumamoto 29 Science Instruction Designed to Develop “Judgment” Based on the Scientific Evidence : Practice of “Action of Running Water, and Change of Land” and “Composition of the Strata and their Changes” MAGAMI Nozomi, Moriai Elementary School, Fukushima 32 Have Students Develop a Yardstick for Correctly Preparing for and Terrifying Natural Phenomena : To Help Understand “Water Is Moving” and “When a Disaster Occurs” TANIGUCHI Tomohiko, Elementary School Attached to Okayama University, Okayama 35 To Combat Natural Disasters with Creating Things, Using Computer Programming : Practice of “Properties of Electromagnet” in 5th Grade, With an Awareness of “Disaster” IMAHAYASHI Yoshikatsu, Chihaya-Nishi Elementary School, Fukuoka 38 Lessons to Cultivate a Perspective on Disaster, Using Previously Learned Contents : To Develop Children Who Can Put their Own Interpretation on Natural Phenomena Around Us TANAKA Kenji, Nagara Elementary School, Shiga 41 Emergency Programs Aimed to Overcome Major Disasters, While Promoting a Self-help Ability and a Spirit of Mutual Help UEDA Takeru, Kaishin-Daiyon Lower Secondary School, Tokyo 44 Let’s Draw Up Guidelines Based on Scientific Evidence, In Case of Tsunami : To Consider Disaster Preparedness, in Connection with Sky, Rain and Umbrella MAEKAWA Tetsuya, Lower Secondary School Attached to Ochanomizu University, Tokyo 47 What We Have Learned from Earthquake Disasters : What Is Needed for Students to Think and Act TAKAHASHI Kei, Iwate Prefectural Lifelong Learning Promotion Center, Iwate 50 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom 52 Demonstrations to Attract Students 54 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development 56 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials 58 Science and My Job 目次英訳:柿原聖治 A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji