●自然を師とする学びの姿勢を育てる 菅井 啓之5
-地学分野における野外観察の方法とその課題- 境 智洋9
-第6学年「人の体のつくりと働き」において- 森戸 幹13
-地域に根差し,自然を肌で感じる体験活動を通して- 石田 裕一16
-地域から学ぶ,地域について学ぶ,地域のために学ぶ- 前田 修之19
-岩石標本を使った野外観察やフィールド実験の実践- 横山 光22
●地域に流れる川の教材化の要件と野外観察の実際-第5学年「流れる水のはたらき」 地域に流れる「高津川」の観察から- 齋藤 由美子25
-島根半島・宍道湖中海ジオパークとの連携を通して- 成相 俊之28
●遠足・集団宿泊的行事として取り組む野外での観察及び体験-生活科,理科と特別活動とのカリキュラム・マネジメントを通して- 加藤 裕之31
-身近な自然と自分自身を見つめ直すきっかけづくり- 佐々木 修一34
●地域の河川を対象とした総合的な学習の時間-「積み重ね」と「身近な自然に浸る時間」をキーワードに- 小林 弘典37
-Arduinoによる気象観測の実践を基に- 藤田 真太郎40
金尾 由恵・陳 佑而・高嶺 きよ子43
-小学校第6学年の「土地のつくりと変化」を中心に- 宮原 浩46
宮本 直樹50
炭酸飲料と干しぶどうを用いて,力の働きを考える 新井 直志52
水が氷になる一瞬を顕微鏡で観る① 田中 千尋54
鶏頭の解剖―実感する理科を目指して― 頓所 佑大56
全国大会(二次案内) 63
入会案内 64
学名:Bufo japonicus formosus
無尾目 ヒキガエル科。
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Outdoor Observations and Field Trips Where Students Can Experience Real Objects
5 To Develop an Attitude of Study, With Nature Admired As a Mentor
SUGAI Hiroyuki, Kyoto Koka Women’s University (former), Kyoto
9 Field Experience Programs to Act as a Starter for Inquiry : Method of Outdoor Observations in Earth Science, and the Challenges Ahead
SAKAI Chihiro, Hokkaido University of Education, Hokkaido
13 The Feelings Aroused by Experiencing Real Live Objects : “Structure and Functions of Human Body” in 6th Grade
MORITO Miki, Tonda-Nishi Elementary School, Yamaguchi
16 Joyful Field Trips of Earth Science : Through the Community-based Activities That Give Children Hands-on Experience with Nature First-hand
ISHIDA Yuichi, Nishijin Chuo Elementary School, Kyoto
19 Environmental Education Through the Observation of Nature : Learning From the Community, About the Community, For the Community
MAEDA Nobuyuki, Karatsu-Seishou Upper Secondary School, Saga
22 How to Use “Real Objects,” to Help Students Acquire “Eyes” for Observing Nature : Practice of Outdoor Observations and Field Experiments Using a Rock Specimen
YOKOYAMA Hikaru, Hokusho University, Hokkaido
25 The Requirements for Developing Materials of Running Water in the Rivers of the Community, and the Actualities of Field Observations : “Functions of Flowing Water” in Fifth Grade
SAITO Yumiko, Muikaichi Elementary School, Shimane
28 Utilization of Workbooks for Clarifying Teaching Points When Visiting Strata : Through Collaboration with “Shimane Peninsula and Shinjiko Nakaumi Estuary Geopark”
NARIAI Toshiyuki, Shutto Elementary School, Shimane
31 Outdoor Observations and Experience, to Be Dealt with As School Events Such as Excursions and Group Tour with a Few Nights’ Stay : Curriculum Management of “Living Environment Studies,” “Science,” and “Student-Led Activities”
KATO Hiroyuki, , Odawara Municipal Fujimi Elementary School, Kanagawa
34 Field Trips Serve As a Bridge to our Daily Lives : Finding Occasion to Examine our Own Minds and Nature Around Us
SASAKI Shuichi, Konoura Lower Secondary School, Akita
37 Rivers in the Community in “Period for Inquiry-based Cross-disciplinary Study” : Based on Keywords “Accumulation” & “Time Engaged in Nature Around Us”
KOBAYASHI Hironori, Yamaguchi Elementary School Attached to Yamaguchi University, Yamaguchi
40 Continuous Observations, Using Microcomputer and Sensors : Practice of Weather Observation With Arduino
FUJITA Shintaro, Maisaka Lower Secondary School, Shizuoka
43 The Role of Zoological Gardens, Used As Places for Studying and Preserving Nature in Ryukyu Islands
KANAO Yoshie ; CHIN Yuji ; TAKAMINE Kiyoko, Okinawa Zoo & Museum, Okinawa
46 “Hometown Esashi Discover Project” in Hokkaido, and Science Instruction : “Composition of the Strata and their Changes” in 6th Grade
MIYAHARA Hiroshi, Esashi Board of Education, Hokkaido
50 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
52 Demonstrations to Attract Students
54 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
56 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji