速報 令和4年度全国学力・学習状況調査
【小学校】川上 真哉6
【中学校】神 孝幸・佐々木 修一9
「社会的文脈を考慮した調整学習」を踏まえた授業づくり- 和田 一郎13
●主体的に学習に取り組む態度の育成とは 後藤 顕一17
-第5学年「振り子の運動」の実践を通して- 中山 浩平21
●子どもと共に学びをデザインする-自分事の意識と指し手意識を支える自覚化・マップ化・道具化- 小髙 大輔25
-失敗を通して,学んだ経験を基に- 西澤 宏一28
-人生を より豊かに- 酒井 優里亜31
●児童が「やりたい」と思える授業を目指して-OPPAを活用し,児童の思考を大切にした魅力的な授業づくり- 酒井 亮子34
●小規模校の特長を生かした見取りやICT を活用した授業づくり
-教師間の情報交換と授業データ蓄積を通して- 齋藤 正樹37
●信頼性・妥当性のある評価から生徒の資質・能力を効果的に育成する-「主体的に学習に取り組む態度」の評価指標の開発とその活用- 平澤 傑40
●生徒が設定した「単元を貫く課題」の解決に向けて探究する授業-主体的に探究しようとする態度を育成するための教師の役割と学習環境- 関本 慶太43
-パフォーマンス課題「脊椎動物の目はどのように変化してきたか」の実践を通じて- 井上 純一46
-生徒の主体性の保障- 若松 柚似49
-化学基礎,化学における授業実践- 神 孝幸52
棒温度計を用いた実験の工夫と実験環境による測定への影響―100℃という期待値に応えられる実験環境を準備してみませんか― 中山 雅茂56
運動計測-連続合成写真をつくる- 江崎 士郎58
水が氷になる一瞬を顕微鏡で観る② 田中 千尋60
刻んだタマネギを用いた細胞の呼吸の学習 高橋 政宏62
全国大会(二次案内) 69
入会案内 70
学名:Passer montanus
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
[Breaking News] Nationwide Academic Achievement Test 2022 : Questions and References of Science
13 Viewpoints of Science Instruction Designed to Develop an Attitude to Active Involvement in Learning : Lesson Planning Based on the “Self-regulation” and “Regulated Learning in the Frame of its Social Context’
WADA Ichiro, Yokohama National University, Kanagawa
17 What Is the Development of Attitude to Active Involvement in Learning ?
GOTO Ken-ichi, Toyo University, Tokyo
21 How to Help Children Become Autonomous & Cooperative Learners in Problem-Solving : Practice of “Swing of a Pendulum” in 5th Grade
NAKAYAMA Kohei, Aoba Lower Secondary School, Ibaraki
25 To Design an Instruction Together with Children : Raising Self-awareness, and Making Maps and Tools
KOTAKA Daisuke, Shin-kitajima, Osaka
28 Lesson Planning to Consider the Instruction Before, During and After Lesson : Based on the Experience of Failures
NISHIZAWA Hirokazu, Mita Elementary School, Hyogo
31 Aiming for the “Satisfactory” Science Learning : To Enrich our Lives
SAKAI Yuria, Tateno Elementary School, Kanagawa
34 Aiming for the Instruction in Which Children Want to Do : Attractive Lesson Planning Designed to Carefully Nurture Children’s Thinking, Using OPPA
SAKAI Ryouko, Daigiri Elementary School, Kanagawa
37 Planning Lessons of Using ICT and for Teachers to Understand Students by Taking Advantage of the Characteristics of Small-sized School : By Way of Exchanging Information Among Teachers, and Storing Data on Instruction
SAITO Masaki, Imabetsu Lower Secondary School, Aomori
40 To Develop Students’ Qualification and Competency Based on the Reliable and Reasonable Evaluation : Development of Criteria for Evaluating the “Attitude to Active Involvement in Learning,” and Its Utilization
HIRASAWA Suguru, Lower Secondary School Attached to Iwate University, Iwate
43 Inquiry-based Lesson to Solve the “Assignments That Run Through Whole Unit,” Made By Students : Teacher’s Role to Develop the Students’ Attitude to Explore Actively, and an Environment Conducive to Learning
SEKIMOTO Keita, Lower Secondary School Attached to Fukushima University, Fukushima
46 "Try to Explore Actively," by “Repeating the Process of Students Asking Questions” : The Practice of Performance Assignment "How Eyes of Vertebrate Animals Have Been Transformed ?"
INOUE Jun-ichi, Secondary School Attached to Hiroshima University, Hiroshima
49 To Elicit Children’s Power of Expression from Instructional Design Based on the Learning Progressions (LPs) : The Securing of Students’ Self-Reliance
WAKAMATSU Yuni, Nakasuji Lower Secondary School, Kochi
52 Instructional Design to Evaluate the “Attitude to Active Involvement in Learning” : Educational Practices of Basic Chemistry and Chemistry
JIN Takayuki, National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Tokyo
56 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
58 Demonstrations to Attract Students
60 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
62 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji