【特集】知りたい! すぐれた理科の実践 2022 ―各支部の推薦から―
-中学校1年生における生物領域の実践紹介- 森山 正樹5
●SSHでの科学的探究活動-ミニ探究を導入して- 十文字 秀行9
●立体乾燥標本を用いた植物分類の授業づくり 水野 麻里子13
●電池とイオン-ダニエル電池の仕組みを探る- 山本 伸寿17
-規則性・関係性を見いだす探究活動を通して- 鈴木 聡史21
-炭酸水素アンモニウムを用いた化学変化の導入を通して- 井出 祐介25
-教科書を「先読み」するほど,授業は楽しくなる- 佐野 嘉昭29
名倉 昌巳33
-誤概念を意識した指導の実践- 仲野 純章37
●Socio-scientific Issuesを導入した授業実践-「プラスチック」を題材にした中学校理科授業分析を中心として- 黒木 知佳41
松本 浩幸・宮本 直樹・藤田 剛志・土佐 幸子・西出 和彦・郡司 賀透・平野 俊英・向井 大喜・石井 俊行・
野添 生45
-教科書での学びを身近なものに- 亀田 直記50
ヤマトヌマエビの観察 岡田 仁52
ツチグリの教材性① 田中 千尋54
頭骨写真から推論した顎の動きを可視化する「顔パックン」 塩澤 康人56
美しい!不思議!ドレッシングの噴火 辻本 昭彦58
全国大会(4次案内) 63
入会案内 68
学名:Pongo pygmaeus
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
5 Educational Practices to Kindled the Student’s Curiosity, Using Familiar Ginkgo : Practical Examples of Biology in 7th Grade
MORIYAMA Masaki, Ayameno Lower Secondary School, Hokkaido
9 Scientific Inquiry-based Activity at Super Science High School : Introducing Mini-Activity of Inquiry
JUMONJI Hideyuki, Seishin-Gakuen Secondary School, Ibaraki
13 Lesson Planning to Classify Plants by Using Three-D Dried Specimens
MIZUNO Mariko, Kotehashidai Lower Secondary School, Chiba
17 Cell and Ions : To Explore the Workings of a Daniell Cell
YAMAMOTO Nobuhisa, Nagaoka Lower Secondary School Attached to Niigata University, Niigata
21 Educational Practices of Developing Inquiry Skills : Through the Inquiry-based Activity to Find Regularity and Relationship
SUZUKI Satoshi, Fujishima Upper Secondary School, Fukui
25 How Students Expand their “Views on Matters” : Through the Introduction of Chemical Changes, Using Ammonium Hydrogen Carbonate
IDE Yusuke, Iwamatsu Lower Secondary School, Shizuoka
29 The Discovery of Scientific Problems, and the Formulation of Hypotheses : The More You Read Textbook Ahead of Class, the More You Enjoy your Class
SANO Yoshiaki, Nagoya Lower Secondary School Attached to Aichi University of Education, Aichi
33 Curriculum Design Based on Evaluation : Practice of “Evolution” that Links "Heredity" and "Living Things and the Environment" Unit in 9th Grade
NAGURA Masami, Otsuki Municipal Dai-9 Lower Secondary School, Osaka
37 My Effort to Help Students Form Scientific Concepts Steadily : Practice of Instruction Based on Students' Misconceptions
NAKANO Sumiaki, Nara Upper Secondary School, Nara
41 Practice of Incorporating the Socio-Scientific Issues Into the Classroom : Focussing on the Instructional Analysis of Middle School Science Using the Topic of “Plastics”
KUROGI Chika, Miyazaki Prefectural Education Bureau, Miyazaki
45 Recommendation of Excellent Papers of Good Practice, and their Comments
50 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
52 Demonstrations to Attract Students
54 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
56 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
58 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji