-領域や教科の枠を超えた学びのすすめ- 辻本 昭彦5
南谷 優成・中川 恵一(監修)9
●「教科横断」の「教科」と開発事例 大辻 永13
-科学的探究のプロセスによって領域を横断する- 日髙 翼17
空気亜鉛電池式酸素センサー」の活用- 鎌倉 正和21
-STEMの学びを通した領域・教科等横断的学び- 棚橋 俊介25
●生徒が自然を主体的に探究し,豊かな未来を創造するための理科学習のデザイン-滋賀の水環境を教材に,持続可能な社会の担い手を育成する取り組みを通して- 原田 雅史29
●日常生活との関連を意識した理科の指導-領域横断的な指導とESDカレンダーの作成を通して- 工藤 隆詩・安部 慎也34
●感性を磨く「月と太陽」の学習-国語,音楽との関連,外部連携,ICT活用による単元の再構築- 境 孝38
-第6学年「生物と環境」を通して- 鶴原 琢朗42
中澤 祐介46
質量概念の構築をめざした授業実践-動画教材を見せた後の「事後指導」をいかに展開するか- 沖野 信一・山岡 武邦・松本 伸示50
状態変化のシミュレーション 山口 晃弘52
空気砲の探究② 田中 千尋54
ICT 教材を活用した天文学習の授業実践 金井 司56
●理科教育 今 気になること
理科教育におけるアウトリーチ活動 次世代企画委員会(福岡 亮治)58
ミジンコ解体新書(その2) 辻本 昭彦60
入会案内 67
学名:Impatiens textorii Miq. / Macroglossum pyrrhosticta
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
New Contents and Instructional Materials : Interdisciplinary Approach
5 An Attempt of Instruction to Get Science Confronted with Society : To Publicize the Lessons Based on Interdisciplinary Approach
TSUJIMOTO Akihiko, Hosei University, Tokyo
9 A The Possibility of Cancer Education in School Science : Health Literacy, and Education of Radiation Therapy
MINAMITANI Masanari & NAKAGAWA Keiichi, University of Tokyo, Tokyo
13 A Examples of Developing the “Subject” Based on “Interdisciplinary Approach”
OTSUJI Hisashi, Toyo University, Tokyo
17 A To Undertake a Scientific Inquiry in the Lessons on Ecological System : To Involve Several Different Subjects of Study Through the Process of Scientific Inquiry
HIDAKA Tsubasa, Osaka Kyoiku University, Osaka
21 A Proposal of the Instructional Materials Aimed to Promote Interdisciplinary Approach : The Use of “Oxygen Sensor Using Zinc-Air Electrochemical Cells, Based on Full-color LED” of Eureka Workshop
KAMAKURA Tadayasu, Shiromaru Elementary School, Niigata
25 A Activity of Making Things, Using Programming : Interdisciplinary Course Through STEM Learning
TANAHASHI Shunsuke, Toyoda Elementary School, Shizuoka
29 A The Design of Science Instruction, for Students to Explore Nature On their Own, and to Create a Prosperous Future : Efforts to Train the Innovators of Sustainable Society, Using the Water Environment in Shiga As an Instructional Material
HARADA Masashi, Lower Secondary School Attached to Shiga University, Shiga
34 A Science Teaching Based on the Connection with Everyday Life : Interdisciplinary Approach to Teaching, and Making of ESD Calendar
KUDO Takashi, Sengari Elementary School ; ABE Shinya, Aomori Municipal Board of Education, Aomori
38 A Lesson of “Moon and Sun” Aimed to Refine Sensibility : Unit Reconstruction by Using ICT, Connecting Language and Music, and Collaborating Outside Agencies
SAKAI Takashi, Tateno Elementary School, Kanagawa
42 A Lesson Planning, for One Pupil to Give One Presentation, Using Tablet PC : “Living Things and Environment” in Sixth Grade
TSURUHARA Takuro, Hino Gakuen, Tokyo
46 A Unit Design to Consider Energy Problems, Viewed from 3E+S+α
NAKAZAWA Yusuke, Hamamatsu Lower Secondary School Attached to Shizuoka University, Shizuoka
50 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
52 Demonstrations to Attract Students
54 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
56 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
58 What Intrigues Me About Science Education
60 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji