【特集】見せてください! あなたの学校の理科室・理科準備室
●1人1台端末のある理科室での学習の考え方 高橋 純5
-「役割分担」と「情報の共有」の視点から- 森 健一郎8
委ねる授業デザインの2年次- 井野 雄介12
●「楽しい」が広がる理科室前ネイチャーワールド 常田 幸江15
-子どもも先生も楽しい理科授業経営- 秋元 孝文18
●子どもが主体的に動き出せる理科室の工夫-宇都宮大学共同教育学部附属小学校の理科室・準備室- 渡邊 雅浩21
-時代に合わせた柔軟な使い方- 村越 悟24
-UDを意識した理科室経営- 井出 祐介27
学校の学びへつなげる中高一貫校の工夫- 上村 礼子30
●新しい時代の「科学教育」と最適化された理科室の検討-「真の学力」の育成を目指すさいたま市・国際バカロレア(IB)認定校での取り組み- 木村 佑介33
仲野 純章・米田 敬司・石橋 涼36
-中学校第1学年「密度」の発展的授業を例に- 金井 太一40
「月の見え方」の学習課題を見つける 江崎 士郎42
スタンプづくりの極意② 田中 千尋44
ビーカーと線香の煙を用いた凸レンズの屈折光の可視化 高橋 政宏46
●Let’s Try!理科授業のDX
動的なワークシートの実現 「動画」の挿入で子どもの記録が変わる!
横田 直人48
QRコードの秘密 辻本 昭彦50
水産高校は科学の実践の場 加藤 司52
学名:Aulacophora femoralis
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Show Us Your School’s Science Room & Science Preparation Room !
5 Way of Thinking About Teaching and Learning With PC/Tablet for Each Student in Science Room
TAKAHASHI Jun, Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo
8 How Science Room Should Be in Digital Era ? : From the Viewpoint of “Role Sharing” and “Information Sharing”
MORI Kenichiro, Hokkaido University of Education, Hokkaido
12 Learning Space to Keep Creating Man, Matter, and Thing : 2nd Year of Instructional Design to Leave the Decision up to Children
INO Yusuke, Yao Elementary School, Osaka
15 Nature World in Science Room Where Children Find Much Joy
TSUNEDA Sachie, Meisei Elementary School, Tokyo
18 In a Bid to Make Science Lessons More Enjoyable for All Children : Instructional Design of Enjoyable Science for Both Children and Teacher
AKIMOTO Takafumi, Ishiwara Elementary School, Saitama
21 To Improve Science Room Where Children Think and Act Independently : Science Room and Science Preparation Room of Elementary School Attached to Utsunomiya University
WATANABE Masahiro, Elementary School Attached to Utsunomiya University, Tochigi
24 To Expand the Possibility of Science Room by Using Ingenuity : Flexible Approach in Keeping with the Times
MURAKOSHI Satoru, Kanda-Hitotsubashi Lower Secondary School, Tokyo
27 An Easy-to-Use Science Room & Science Preparation Room for Everyone : Management of Science Room with Universal Design in Mind
IDE Yusuke, Iwamatsu Lower Secondary School, Shizuoka
30 Management of Science Room, Bearing in Mind the Articulation of Lower and Upper Secondary Schools’ Curriculums : Improvement at Integrated Lower & Upper Secondary School to Bridge the Learning from Lower to Upper Secondary School
KAMIMURA Reiko, Tama Upper Secondary School, Tokyo
33 “Science Education” in New Era, and Consideration of Optimized Science Room : Efforts at Authorized School that Offers the International Baccalaureate, to Promote “Genuine Academic Ability”
KIMURA Yusuke, Omiya International Secondary School, Saitama
36 Science Laboratory Equipped with Multi-function and Multi-role, Identifying the Characteristics of our School
NAKANO Sumiaki, KOMEDA Takashi, ISHIBASHI Ryo, Nara Upper Secondary School, Nara
40 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
42 Demonstrations to Attract Students
44 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
46 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
48 Let’s Try! DX in Science Lesson
50 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
52 Science and My Job
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji