●観察・実験の事故事例に着目する 森本 弘一5
-何をリスクと捉えて対応するのか- 佐々木 修一9
-安全は危険を知ることから始まる- 林 誠一13
●リスクをコントロールしながらデザインする観察・実験-身体に備わる感覚を活用し,より深く考え理解していく- 富﨑 直志17
●直接経験の価値とその実現の壁となる二つの「リスク」小川 卓也20
-普段の授業と授業準備にプラス1の工夫を- 佐藤 洋一23
-自分のすぐ前にある自然の巧みさを見るための準備- 境 孝26
●実験器具が児童の手が届く範囲でそろえられ,片付けることのできる理科室整備-公立小学校理科主任としての視点から- 佐藤 賀一29
●中学校理科で楽しく安全に観察・実験するための一工夫-理科教師に求められる授業力と同僚性を高めていく理科教科会の取り組み- 結解 武宏32
●すぐにできる!理科授業におけるリスクマネジメント-教室環境整備,授業時の支援,外部機関との連携を通して- 斉藤 剛志・櫻井 康之・木村 貴博35
●失敗を分析し,失敗から学ぶ観察・実験の在り方-ヒューマンエラーの4分類から失敗を科学する 佐々木 聡也38
●対話から導き出すリスクマネジメントの視点-準備・点検・実践・対話・検証のサイクルを取り入れよう- 青木 久美子41
-地学領域の野外巡検を念頭に- 田辺 浩明44
山下 卓弥47
アーギュメントにおける証拠の認識的理解に焦点を当てた,複数の証拠の利用を促す授業実践例-小学校第4学年「物の温度と体積」を例に- 俣野 源晃 50
偏光板を使った光の不思議な現象 新井 直志 52
「ストーム・グラス」を作る② 田中 千尋54
元素記号ブック 藤渕 雅代 56
●Let’s Try!理科授業のDX
デジタルで子どもワクワク!「ネイチャーフォトビンゴ」 瀧場 進 58
混ざらない水とお湯 辻本 昭彦60
学会通信 61
全国大会(2次案内) 64
大賞の決定 66
次号予告 72
学名:Macrophthalmus japonicus
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
“We Can Do Observations & Experiments!” Good Ideas of Risk Management
5 Focusing on the Instances of Accidents and Incidents During Observations & Experiments
MORIMOTO Koichi, Nara University of Education, Nara
9 The Pleasures of Learning, and the Experience of Fulfillment Through Observations & Experiments : What Do We Regard As a Risk, and How Do We Deal With It?
SASAKI Shuichi, National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Tokyo
13 Significance of Observations & Experiments, and Prevention of Accidents : Knowing the Risks Is the First Step Toward Safety of Experiments
HAYASHI Seiichi, Toyama University, Toyama
17 To Design the Observations & Experiments, While Controlling the Risks : To Develop Deeper Understanding By Using Body's Natural Senses
TOMISAKI Naoshi, Tachibana Elementary School, Osaka
20 The Value of First-hand Experience, and the Two Risks of Its Realization
OGAWA Takuya, Omiya-nishi Elementary School, Saitama
23 To Reconsider the Science Lessons in Light of “Predicting Risks” and “Avoiding Risks” : One More Tricks for Daily Lessons and Preparation for Lessons
SATO Yoichi, Tamagawa Elementary School, Kanagawa
26 The Nurture of Children Who Can Think Scientifically in Observations & Experiments : Preparation for Watching the Sophistication of Nature Before our Very Eyes
SAKAI Takashi, Tateno Elementary School, Kanagawa
29 Upkeep of Science Room Whose Laboratory Instruments Are Kept Within Reach of Children and Can Be Put Away Easily : From the Viewpoint of a Chief Science Teacher in Public Elementary School
SATO Yoshikazu, Tsurugashima Dai-ichi Elementary School, Saitama
32 An Idea of Making Observations & Experiments More Enjoyable and Safer in Middle School Science : Teaching Skills Required of Science Teachers, and Science Workshops to Promote Collegiality
YUGE Takehiro, Kohoku Lower Secondary School, Nagano
35 Risk Management in Science Lessons, No Preparation Required! : Upkeep of Classroom Environment, Support for Doing Lessons, and Cooperation with Outside Organizations
SAITO Tsuyoshi, SAKURAI Yasuyuki, KIMURA Takahiro, Lower Secondary School Attached to Gunma University, Gunma
38 Ideal Method of Observations & Experiments Is Analyzing Failures, and Learning from Failures : To Analyze Failures Scientifically by Categorizing Human Errors into Four Types
SASAKI Soya, Lower Secondary School Attached to Iwate University, Iwate
41 Viewpoint of Risk Management, Derived from Having a Dialogue : Let's Use the Cycle of Prepare, Check, Do, Dialogue, and Verify
AOKI Kumiko, Chitose Lower Secondary School, Tokyo
44 Risk Management in Field Studies : Focusing on Field Trips in Earth Science
TANABE Hiroaki, Chosei Upper Secondary School, Chiba
47 In a Bid to Control Accidents During Observations & Experiments
YAMASHITA Takuya, Toyama-Chubu Upper Secondary School, Toyama
50 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
52 Demonstrations to Attract Students
54 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
56 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
58 Let’s Try! DX in Science Lesson
60 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji