●児童自ら条件を制御した実験で「ふりこのきまり」を明らかに-科学的な結果を基に考察まとめを経ても崩せない素朴概念- 中山 慎也5
-第6学年「人と環境」を軸に- 引間 和彦9
-最後の授業で6年生に伝えるメッセージ- 辻 健13
北里柴三郎,フリッツ・ハーバーから考える- 河野 晃17
-これからの理科教育への展望と一考察- 市原 猛21
1年間の学習を振り返る最後の授業 中倉 智美27
●若手教員に向けた中学校理科における授業締めのヒント-理科教員としての立場から年度最後の授業で生徒へ「贈る言葉」- 吉田 はるか31
-化学基礎「化学を拓く世界」における授業実践- 神 孝幸35
●振り返りと化学実験で構成する「最後の授業」-自分自身の成長を実感することにより,次へのステップにつなげる- 近藤 浩文39
●高校物理の最後の授業は調理実習と霧箱 大山 光晴43
古石 卓也・山中 真悟・木下 博義48
岩石の色調の違いを数値化する 伊藤 英樹50
ミカンの葉の感光実験 田中 千尋52
様々な金属の電解めっき(その1) 齋藤 正義54
●理科教育 今 気になること
統計分析を初めて学ぶ人に立ちはだかる壁 次世代企画委員会(雲財 寛)56
なぜか水中でシャボン玉! 辻本 昭彦58
学名:Cynops pyrrhogaster
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
What Do You Do “When Finishing Your Science Class of the Year”?
5 To Find the “Regularity of Pendulums” in the Experiment Conducted Under Conditions Controlled by Children : Children’s Naive Misconception That Cannot Be Changed, Regardless of Substantial Consideration
NAKAYAMA Shinya, Miyagi University of Education, Miyagi
9 Forming a Bridge to Middle School Science, at the End of Elementary School Science : “Man and Environment” in 6th Grade
HIKIMA Kazuhiko, Saitama Municipal Board of Education, Saitama
13 Do What You Think Is Right, Without Losing Sight of the Facts at Hand : A Message to Sixth Graders at My Last Class
TSUJI Takeshi, Elementary School Attached to University of Tsukuba, Tokyo
17 Report on Instructional Practice of Delving into “Technology and Human Beings” : To Make Connection With Social Studies (History), Using Examples of Kitasato Shibasaburo and Fritz Haber
KONO Akira, Setagaya Lower Secondary School Attached to Tokyo Gakugei University, Tokyo
21 Teaching and Learning of NOS(Nature of Science) As an Example of A.I.(Artificial Intelligence) : Prospects and a Consideration of Future Science Education
ICHIHARA Takeshi, Tsukuba Municipal Board of Education, Ibaraki
27 The Last Lesson of Looking Back on One-Year Instruction, Viewed from a Broad & Comprehensive Perspective, by Using Acquired Knowledge and Skills
NAKAKURA Toshimi, Hosen Lower Secondary School, Okayama
31 Tips for Last Class in Middle School Science, Designed for Younger Teachers : “Messages” Dedicated to Students at the Last Class of the Year, From the Viewpoint of Science Teachers
YOSHIDA Haruka, Kamimori Lower Secondary School, Okinawa
35 The Last Class of Chemistry, Intended for Non-science Majors : Instructional Practice of "Chemistry Opens the Door to New World" of Basic Chemistry
JIN Takayuki, National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Tokyo
39 My “Last Class” Is Composed of Retrospection and Chemical Experiments : Realizing his/her Own Growth and Development Serves As a Lead-in to a Next Step
KONDO Hirobumi, Sapporo Keisei Upper Secondary School, Hokkaido
43 My Last Class of High School Physics Is on Cooking Practice and Cloud Chamber
OYAMA Mitsuharu, Shumei University, Chiba
48 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
50 Demonstrations to Attract Students
52 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
54 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
56 What Intrigues Me About Science Education
58 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji