●1人1台端末が拓く理科授業の新たな展開 山口 晃弘5
-SAMRモデルによる実践評価を見据えて- 里 浩彰9
-小学校第3学年「電気の通り道」の実践事例を通して- 後藤 昭彦12
●オールロイロでつくる普段着の授業づくり 鶴原 琢朗15
-理科を専門としない教諭の現場の活用状況を通して- 加藤 久貴18
●1人1台端末で個別最適な学びと協働的な学びの一体的な充実-個別最適な学習と協働的なチャットによる「学び」のアップデート- 佐藤 琢朗21
●学習の継続性を意識した理科の端末授業-ストレスフリーの端末活用で児童生徒の最適な学習に向けて- 江連 知生24
●資質・能力を高める1人1台端末活用を目指して-中学校理科第1学年「地震」における探究的な学びの実践から- 内藤 理恵27
●生徒の学びの質を高める,効果的なICTの活用とは-「電流とその利用」「化学変化と原子・分子」での実践を通して- 小路 美和30
●中学校理科で探究の過程を主体的に進める授業展開の工夫-地域の火山灰の観察から大地の成り立ちを探究し,端末を活用した理科授業- 結解 武宏33
●理科における「主体的に学習に取り組む態度」の評価の提案-『FUCHU!知恵袋』による「個別最適な学び」「協働的な学び」を通して- 奈良 大36
-Pythonによる遺伝的浮動のシミュレーション- 河井 昇39
-ICT活用のその先へ- 生田 依子・真井 克子42
―小学校第5学年「流れる水の働きと土地の変化」― 佐藤 真太郎46
電池の気持ち 鈴木 一成・勝岡 幸雄48
スタンプづくりの極意① 田中 千尋50
試行錯誤的活動を充実させる教材 白田 真澄52
●理科教育 気 になること
外部資金を獲得しよう! 次世代企画委員会(小川 博士・小林 優子)54
●Let’s Try!理科授業のDX
吉金 佳能56
左右左右! ヌマエビおまえもか 辻本 昭彦58
学名:Oxytate striatipes
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Science Instruction by Using One PC/Tablet for Each Student : Practice of GIGA in the Third Year
5 New Development of Science Instruction, Using One PC/Tablet for Each Student
YAMAGUCHI Akihiro, Tokyo University of Agriculture, Tokyo
9 Aiming to Use PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) As a “Means” and Not an “End” : Looking to Evaluate the Educational Practice by SAMR Model
SATO Hiroaki, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo
12 The Possibility of Collaborative Science Lessons By Using Cloud Functions : Practice of “Pathway of Electricity” in 3rd Grade
GOTO Akihiko, Kasumidai Elementary School, Tokyo
15 Fit LoiloNote Into All Lessons, and Make It a Part of Daily Routine
TSURUHARA Takuro, Hino Gakuen, Tokyo
18 Report on the Progress of Everyday Science Lessons : Through the Situation of Making Use of Teachers Whose Majors Are Not Science
KATO Hisaki, Asahikawa Municipal Asahi Elementary School, Hokkaido
21 To Integrate Individually Optimal Learning More Closely with Collaborative Learning by Using One PC/Tablet for Each Student : Update of Individually Optimal Learning and “Leaning” by Collaborative Chat
SATO Takuro, Kikuyo-nishi Elementary School, Kumamoto
24 Science Lessons Using One PC/Tablet, With Continuity of Learning in Mind : Toward the Students’ Optimal Learning by Using Stress-free PC/Tablets
EZURE Tomomi, Houyou-no-mori Gakuen, Tokyo
27 Aiming to Use One PC/Tablet for Each Student to Promote Quality and Capability : Practice of Inquiry-based Learning of “Earthquake” in 7th Grade
NAITO Rie, Komazawa Lower Secondary School, Tokyo
30 What Is Effective Use of ICT to Enhance the Quality of Students’ Learning ? : Practice of “Electricity and Its Uses” and “Chemical Changes, Atoms and Molecules”
KOUJI Miwa, Hachiken Lower Secondary School, Hokkaido
33 To Improve Instructional Design in Which Teaching is Actively Done Through Discovery Processes in Middle School Science : Science Lessons Using PC/Tablets, Exploring the Composition of the Earth By Observing Volcanic Ash in the Community
YUGE Takehiro, Kohoku Lower Secondary School, Nagano
36 Proposal for Evaluating the “Attitude of Student Who Actively Engages in Learning” in Science : “Individually Optimal Learning” and “Collaborative Learning” by Using “FUCHU! Chiebukuro”
NARA Dai, Nagoya Lower Secondary School Attached to Aichi University of Education, Aichi
39 Proposal of Dry Practice Using Computer Programming : Simulation of Genetic Drift by Using Python
KAWAI Noboru, Tennoji Upper Secondary School, Osaka
42 Aiming for DX in Education by Mutual Evaluation : To the Next Stage of ICT Use
IKUTA Yoriko, Seisho Lower and Upper Secondary School ; SANAI Katsuko, Nara Prefectural Board of Education, Nara
46 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
48 Demonstrations to Attract Students
50 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
52 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
54 What Intrigues Me About Science Education
56 Let's Try! DX in Science Lesson
58 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji