●子どもたちの科学的な態度を見逃さない-「エビデンス」を基に考えている姿を見逃さず,価値付ける- 田代 直幸5
●対話と探究の過程で深める理科の授業 益田 裕充9
大山 光晴13
-ICTを利用した新しいエビデンスづくり- 齋藤 博17
●「エビデンス」を基に考え,語るための土台づくり-小学校第3学年「風とゴムの力のはたらき」の実践を通して- 森村 英俊21
●結果を受け止め,解釈し,判断することを積み重ねる授業づくり-日々の授業の中での子どもの姿から- 外川 千晴24
-「誤差」に着目することを出発点として- 柏木 大芽27
●「仮説」を中心とした探究活動の展開-中学校第3学年「酸・アルカリとイオン」の授業実践を通して- 栃山 裕策30
佐久間 直也33
-中学校第2学年「電流の性質」- 宮下 健太36
●「主体的・対話的で深い学び」の実現に向けた生徒実験の工夫-エビデンスに基づいて実験の見通しを生徒にもたせる取り組み- 古谷 昌広40
問題解決における子どもに活動させる意味-小学校第3学年「ゴムの力の働き」を事例に- 鈴木 進・峯田 武典・和田 一郎44
酢酸バイオレット液を用いた細胞分裂の観察 岡田 仁46
ヨウ素の凝華を観察する 田中 千尋48
地層の剥ぎ取り標本やボーリングコアの活用 相田 裕介50
●Let’s Try!理科授業のDX
ICT 活用による学びの場や時間を拡張した問題づくりの授業デザイン
森川 大地52
アリはなぜ最短ルートで行進するのか 辻本 昭彦54
全国大会報告 56
学名:Cervus nippon yakushimae
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
To Develop Children Who Can Think and Discuss, Based on “Evidence”
5 We Do Not Miss the Children’s Scientific Attitude : To Catch Children Thinking Based on “Evidence,” and Add Value to Them
TASHIRO Naoyuki, Tokoha University, Shizuoka
9 To Deepen Science Lessons Through Dialogues and Discovery Processes
MASUDA Hiromitsu, Gunma University, Gunma
13 The Issue Is Building Up a Network of Children’s Learning, Using “Evidence”
OYAMA Mitsuharu, Shumei University, Chiba
17 Science Education in Society 5.0 Era : To Produce New Evidence, Using ICT
SAITO Hiroshi, Eureka Workshop, Niigata
21 Laying the Foundation for Children to Consider and Discuss, Based on “Evidence” : Practice of “Function of Wind and Force of Rubber” in 3rd Grade
MORIMURA Hidetoshi, Yokohama Municipal Minami Elementary School, Kanagawa
24 Lesson Planning Design to Keep Trying to Take the Results to Heart, Interpret, and Judge Them : From the Behavior of Children in Daily Lessons
TOGAWA Chiharu, Toshima Elementary School, Kanagawa
27 Science Instruction for Children to Confront Data and Find Out Convincing Solutions : Focusing on “Error” As a Starting Point
KASHIWAGI Taiga, Unchu Elementary School, Hyogo
30 Doing Inquiry-based Activity Centering on “Hypothesis” : Instructional Practice of “Acids, Alkalis, and Ions” in 9th Grade
TOCHIYAMA Yusaku, Gakuyo Lower Secondary School, Shizuoka
33 Science Lessons Are Well Planned by Both Students and Teacher, Who Are Among Learning Group
SAKUMA Naoya, Lower Secondary School Attached to University of Tsukuba, Tokyo
36 Aiming for the Class in Which Students Themselves Try to Make Inquiries, With "Evidence" As a Basis : “Properties of Electric Currents” in 8th Grade
MIYASHITA Kenta, Compulsory Education School Attached to Shimane University, Shimane
40 Improvement of Student Experiments to Realize “Active and Interactive Deep Learning” : Efforts to Help Students Have the Foresight to Do Experiments, Based on Evidence
FURUTANI Masahiro, Nara Upper Secondary School, Nara
44 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
46 Demonstrations to Attract Students
48 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
50 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
52 Let’s Try! DX in Science Lesson
54 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji