有本 淳5
●「本質的な問題を解決すること」で情報を吟味する必要性を生み出す-第4学年「水はどこへいくのか」の授業実践を例として- 橋本 有弥9
有泉 翔太12
●子どもの情報を「吟味」する力の育成を目指した実践-「問題を見いだす場面」と「考察」の場面での指導を通して- 志田 正訓15
●データと考えの共有で事物を捉える子どもの育成-このデータってこうなっているけど,みんなは違うのかな?- 竹内 義雄19
-事物を離れて心なく,心を離れて事物なし- 工藤 周一22
●正解を求めるのではなく,科学的根拠を求める生徒の姿を目指して-中学校第2学年「銅の酸化による質量変化」の実験を通して- 河津 雅幸25
●環境解放と環境自由を目指した理科授業-中学校第2学年「動物の体のつくりと働き」の実践事例を通して- 杉本 寛28
●科学的な探究の中で「ずれ」と向き合う理科授業 中澤 祐介31
●問いを見いだす力を育む中学校理科授業-生徒の力で事象から「疑問」を見いだし,探究可能な「問い」に変換する- 平澤 傑34
●観察・実験の結果を分析して,解釈する力を高める学習の在り方-生徒が探究の過程を主体的に繰り返していくための単元づくり- 金箱 仁志37
-化学分野の生徒の研究活動を例にして- 松浦 紀之40
-高等学校物理力学分野を事例として- 藤原 和人43
複数事象の比較を通した仮説設定の段階的指導―中学校第2学年「電流とその利用」を例として― 中村 大輝・佐久間 直也46
食物連鎖のシミュレーション 山口 晃弘48
月の形・向き・時刻・位置を一発で表示する早見盤② 田中 千尋50
-イオン化傾向の原理を活用したSTEAM 型教材- 大槻 峻史52
●Let’s Try!理科授業のDX
異学年でも協働的な学びを実現する共同編集 中野 直人54
コマはなぜ回り続けるのか(その2) 辻本 昭彦56
オンライン全国大会 66
学名:Macaca fuscata
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Good Ideas of “Checking Out Information” in Science Lessons
5 Lesson Planning in Elementary School Science, Leading to Check Out Information
ARIMOTO Jun, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo
9 To Bring About the Necessity to Examine the Information by “Solving Essential Problems” : Teaching Practice of "Journey of Rainwater" in 4th Grade
HASHIMOTO Yuya, Elementary School Attached to Mie University, Mie
12 Instructional Design of Science, for Students to Come Up With More Adequate Ideas and to Solve the Problems Scientifically : Teaching Practice of “To Think While Putting Something Together” in 6th Grade
ARIIZUMI Shouta, Shimo-numabe Elementary School, Kanagawa
15 Educational Practice Aimed to Improve Children’s Skill of Examining Information : The Teaching at the Scenes of “Finding Problems” and “Consideration”
SHIDA Masakuni, Elementary School Attached to University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki
19 Development of Children to Grasp the Situation by Sharing Data and Ideas : I Just Took the Data. Is it Different From All of Yours?
TAKEUCHI Yoshio, Minami-bandai Elementary School, Niigata
22 Positive Attitude Towards Discovering the Essence of Nature
KUDO Shuichi, Iko Elementary School, Tokyo
25 In Order to Have Children Think Based on Scientific Evidence Not Only Get the Right Answer : Experiment of “Mass Change Caused by Oxidation of Copper” in 8th Grade
KAWATSU Masayuki, Kushiro Compulsory Education School Attached to Hokkaido University of Education, Hokkaido
28 Science Lessons Aimed for Liberation and Freedom of Learning Environment : Practice of "Structure and Functions of the Animal Body" in 8th Grade
SUGIMOTO Hiroshi, Yaizu City Toyoda Lower Secondary School, Shizuoka
31 Science Lessons in Which Students Are Faced with “Gap” When Making Inquiries Scientifically
NAKAZAWA Yusuke, Hamamatsu Lower Secondary School Attached to Shizuoka University, Shizuoka
34 Middle School Science Lessons for Students to Develop the Skills in Finding Questions : At First Students Themselves Find “Questions” from Phenomena Around Us, Then Convert Them to “Problems” That Are Valid and Researchable
HIRASAWA Suguru, Lower Secondary School Attached to Iwate University, Iwate
37 The Learning Strategies Used to Promote the Skills in Analyzing and Interpreting the Results of Observation and Experiment : Making the Units of Study That Actively Involve Students in Doing Research Through Discovery Processes
KANEBAKO Hitoshi, Nagano Lower Secondary School Attached to Shinshu University, Nagano
40 The Scene of “Examining the Information” in Research Project at High School : Examples of Student-led Research Projects in Chemistry
MATSUURA Noriyuki, Ritsumeikan Upper & Lower Secondary School, Kyoto
43 Practice of Inquiry-based Activity In Which Regression Analysis Is Incorporated into Science Lessons : Examples of Dynamics in High School Physics
FUJIWARA Kazuto, Otawara Upper Secondary School, Tochigi
46 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
48 Demonstrations to Attract Students
50 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
52 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
54 Let’s Try! DX in Science Lesson
56 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji