2024/ Vol.73
● フォーマルな評価とノンフォーマルな評価,インフォーマルな評価
小林 俊行 ...............5
● 資質・能力の育成につなげる学習評価の充実−小学校理科における「指導と評価
の一体化」に向けて− 久坂 哲也 ...............9
● 「指導と評価の一体化」を実現する学習評価−国際バカロレア中等教育プログラ
ムにおけるルーブリックを用いた観点別評価− 鮫島 朋美 .............13
● 学習者自らが評価基準を構築する「学習としての評価」−実証性・再現性・客観
性を軸にした児童による児童のための評価活動− 森川 大地 .............17
● 概念形成(論理的思考力の育成)を意識した理科授業−スパイラルな学びによる
探究学習・第5学年「ふりこ」− 壁谷 宣広・野ヶ山 康弘 .............20
● 意味の理解を伴った技能の習得を促す相互評価を目指して−小学校第4学年「流
れる水のゆくえ」の実践事例を通して− 栃堀 亮 .............23
● 子どもの目標の達成を一緒に楽しむ
−小学校第2学年「しぜん」の子どもの姿より− 杉野 さち子 .............26
● 生徒の学びが複線化した授業における学びの評価と支援−中学校理科第1学年
「火山」におけるワークショップ型理科授業の実践から− 谷津 勇太 .............29
● 相互評価活動で目指す表現力と学習意欲の向上
− Google スプレッドシートの活用を通して− 熊田 憲朗 .............32
● 生徒の主体的な学びを引き出す単元づくり−「習得」した知識を「活用」する場
面の設定を通して− 古池 侑磨 .............35
● 何を目的に授業を行い,何を目的に評価を行うのか
−高等学校「生物」を題材とした評価の探究− 河井 昇 .............38
● 評価規準を明示した相互評価は指導と評価の一体化を容易にする−学校全体での
生田 依子・真井 克子 .............41
● 国際バカロレアMYP における評価の実践−高等学校第1学年「科学と人間生活」
―言語とイメージによるコード化― 植原 俊晴 ........ 48
表面張力 山口 晃弘 ........ 50
試験管の空気の探究① 田中 千尋 .........52
径の太い試験管を用いたアンダイヤル日時計の再現 髙橋 政宏 ........ 54
● Let’s Try! 理科授業のDX
単元のまとめを1枚に 「One Page Summary」 田中 翔 ........ 56
モデル実験で反射の法則を見いだす 反射の法則「 光②」 荒尾 真一 .........58
佐藤 明彦〔著〕『教育DX と変わり始めた学校─激動する公教育の現在地』
今井 兼平 .........60
なぜ牛乳は「ろ紙」を通過するのか 辻本 昭彦 .........61
(一次案内) .......................62
学会通信 ...........................64
次号予告 ...........................72
学名:Cynomys ludovicianus
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
Using “Evaluation” to “Support for Learning”
5 ...........Formal Evaluation, Non-formal, and Informal Evaluation
KOBAYASHI Toshiyuki, Tokai University, Tokyo
9 ...........To Improve an Evaluation of Students' Learning That Leads to Develop Qualities
and Capabilities : Toward “Integration of Teaching with Evaluation” in Elementary
School Science
HISASAKA Tetsuya, Iwate University, Iwate
13 ......... Evaluation to Realize the “Integration of Evaluation with Teaching” : Point-bypoint
Evaluation Using a Rubric in International Baccalaureate Middle Years
SAMEJIMA Tomomi, Tokyo Gakugei University International Secondary School,
17 ......... “Evaluation As a Learning” Whose Criteria Are Established By Learners
Themselves : Evaluation for the Children, by the Children, Centering on
“Verifiable,” “Reproducible” and “Objective”
MORIKAWA Daichi, Nishi-tokyo Municipal Sakae Elementary School, Tokyo
20 ......... Science Lessons With an Awareness of Concept Formation (Development of
Logical Thinking): “Pendulum” in 5th Grade, Inquiry-based Learning by Arranging
KABEYA Nobuhiro, Nishiura Lower Secondary School, Aichi ; NOGAYAMA
Yasuhiro, Kyoto 23 Compulsory Education School Attached to Kyoto University of
Education, Kyoto
23 ......... Aiming at Making a Mutual Evaluation to Help Acquire the Skills Associated with
Understanding of Meaning : Practical Example of “Whereabouts of Moving Water”
in 4th Grade
TOCHIBORI Ryo, Elementary School Attached to Ibaraki University, Ibaraki
26 .........To Enjoy Seeing Through Children’s Objective, Stepping Forward to the Objective :
Children's Behavior in “Nature” Class in 2nd Grade
SUGINO Sachiko, Ochanomizu University Elementary School, Tokyo
29 ......... Evaluation and Support for Learning, in Which Several Options Are Available for
Students : Workshop-type Science Lessons of “Volcano” in 7th Grade
TANITSU Yuta, Lower Secondary School Attached to Saitama University, Saitama
32 .........To Improve Expressive Ability and Willingness to Learn, Doing a Mutual
Evaluation Activity : Using a Google Spreadsheet
KUMADA Noriaki, Higashi-nasuno Lower Secondary School, Tochigi
35 ......... Unit Planning to Stimulate Students to Learn Actively : Creating an Opportunity
to Use “Acquired” Knowledge to “Good Advantage”
KOIKE Yuma, Hiyoshidai-nishi Lower Secondary School, Kanagawa
38 .........What Goal Will We Pursue, For What Purpose Will We Evaluate Students ? : A
Study of Evaluation As a Subject of High School “Biology”
KAWAI Noboru, Tennoji Upper Secondary School, Osaka
41 .........Mutual Evaluation Whose Criteria Are Disclosed Will Help Integrate Teaching
With Evaluation : We Realize an Ideal Student, Due to Efforts on Which a
Consensus Was Reached Among All Teachers,
IKUTA Yoriko, Seisho Junior and Senior High School, Nara ; SANAI Katsuko,
National Institute for Educational Policy Research, Tokyo
44 ......... Practice of Making an Evaluation in International Baccalaureate Middle Years
Programme (MYP) : Practical Report of “Science and Our Daily Life” in 10th Grade
KITAOKA Kazuki, Kochi Kokusai Junior and Senior High School, Kochi
48 ...Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
50 ...Demonstrations to Attract Students
52 ...Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
54 ...Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
56 ...Let’s Try! DX in Science Lesson
58 ...Inquiry-based Lessons Aimed at Constructing Conceptions
60 ...Book Review
61 ...My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji