●理科授業を充実させる教材研究と教材選択-児童生徒が主体となる授業を目指した教材理解の視点- 里 浩彰5
-自由試行による児童自らがつかみとる学習課題へ- 山﨑 晃平9
●実感を伴った理解につながる教材の工夫-第6学年「ものが燃えるしくみ」における教材提示の工夫- 新田 望12
●誰でもできる地域教材の3DCG化-教員養成系学部の大学生に対する地形・地層3DCG教材作成ワークショップの報告- 飯田 和也15
●センサー実験器具を活用した理科授業-センサー実験器具を活用することで変わること・導入する際に検討すべきこと- 佐久間 直也18
●身近な物を使った教材の開発-理解の深化と主体的に学習に取り組む態度の育成を目指して- 藤田 知史21
●MetaMoji ClassRoom の「動かす」機能の活用
-電池の仕組みを考える授業を例に- 森 愛実24
●科学的に探究する力を育成する教材開発-米粉100%のギョウザの皮を教材として用いた授業実践- 上村 早苗27
-ダニエル電池で電極の変化を観察する方法- 北田 健30
-放射線を科学的に理解するための工夫- 粟田 高明33
●物理基礎における「科学的に探究する力」の育成-中学校までの理科の学びを生かす科学的な探究を通して- 利根川 翔・田中 保樹36
-繊維の染色性の違いを利用した繊維の判別- 松浦 紀之40
竹田 大樹・坪田 幸政43
昆虫の立場に立って考える学習の重要性―飼育する昆虫をめぐって児童が対立したエピソードを例として― 小野寺 かれん 46
雲の高さを測ってみよう 伊藤 英樹 48
いろいろな素材の木炭③ 田中 千尋50
キッチンペーパーの紙芯を用いた柱状図模型 横田 康長・田辺 益広 52
●Let’s Try!理科授業のDX
「誤差」を実感し,データを吟味する力の育成 森川 大地 54
杉岡 伸作56
非日常な現象から見いだす 光の性質「光」① 荒尾 真一58
辻本 昭彦〔著〕『枠を超えよ』 山口 晃弘60
空飛ぶゴミ袋! 超簡単な熱気球 辻本 昭彦61
全国大会(最終案内) 62
(一次案内) 64
学会通信 66
次号予告 72
学名:Bufo japonicus formosus
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
To Devise Instructional Materials : Necessity of Improvement and Its Viewpoints
5 Science Materials Development and the Choice of Materials to Enrich Science Lessons : Viewpoints of Understanding the Science Materials for Child-centered Lessons
SATO Hiroaki, Ochanomizu University, Tokyo
9 From Teacher-centered “Assignment” To Student-centered “Problem” : Learning Tasks That Students Find On their Own After Repeated Trial and Error
YAMASAKI Kouhei, Kyoto Compulsory Education School Attached to Kyoto University of Education, Kyoto
12 Improvement of Instructional Materials That Lead to Realistic Understanding : A Good Introduction of Instructional Material in the “Mechanism of Combustion” in 6th Grade
NITTA Nozomi, Tomioka Elementary School, Tokushima
15 To Make Community Materials Three-Dimensional, That Are Easy For Everyone to Do : Workshop Reports on Developing 3D-Graphic Materials of Landform and Strata, Targeted at College Students of Teacher Training Course
IIDA Kazuya, Musashino University, Tokyo
18 Science Lessons in Which Sensor Equipments Are Used : What Can Be Changed by Sensor Equipments, and What Should Be Considered When Introducing Them
SAKUMA Naoya, Lower Secondary School Attached to University of Tsukuba, Tokyo
21 Development of Instructional Materials by Using Everyday Objects : Aiming to Help Understand More Deeply and to Develop an Attitude About Active Involvement in Learning
FUJITA Tomofumi, Tochigi Prefectural Education Center, Tochigi
24 Use of “Move” Function in MetaMoji ClassRoom : Example of Lessons on Mechanism of Cells
MORI Manami, Hachiman Lower Secondary School, Tokushima
27 Material Development to Improve the Ability to Explore Scientifically : The Pasta Wrapping for Gyoza (Potstickers) Is Used As a Teaching Material in Lesson, Which Is Made from 100% Rice Flour
UEMURA Sanae, Mifune Lower Secondary School, Kumamoto
30 Metallic Foil Is Placed on Daniell Cell : How to Observe the Changes of Electrodes in Daniell Cell
KITADA Ken, Bunkyo Ward 10th Lower Secondary School, Tokyo
33 Observations and Experiments Aimed at Bringing Radiation Closer to our Daily Lives : A Better Way of Helping Students Understand Radiation Scientifically
AWATA Takaaki, Naruto University of Education, Tokushima
36 Development of the “Ability to Explore Scientifically” in 'Basic Physics’ : Through the Scientific Inquiry , Using the Knowledge of Up to Middle School Science
TONEGAWA Sho, Yokohama Science Frontier Upper Secondary School, Kanagawa ; TANAKA Yasuki, Kitasato University, Tokyo
40 Ascertaining the Properties of Textiles : To Discriminate the Fibers by Using the Differences of Dye-Affinity
MATSUURA Noriyuki, Ritsumeikan Lower & Upper Secondary School, Kyoto
43 Model Experiment of “Convection” That Is Related to Movement of Atmosphere and Seawater
TAKEDA Hiroki, Keio Shonan Fujisawa Lower & Upper Secondary School, Kanagawa ; TSUBOTA Yukimasa, J. F. Oberlin University, Tokyo
46 Bringing “Journal of Research in Science Education” into the Classroom
48 Demonstrations to Attract Students
50 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
52 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
54 Let’s Try! DX in Science Lesson
56 To Think Diversity and Inclusion
58 Inquiry-based Lessons Aimed at Constructing Conceptions
60 Book Review
61 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji