-柔軟な問題解決の在り方についての模索- 鳴川 哲也5
科学的に探究する授業づくりにおいて- 藤本 義博9
-少人数学級での「ひとり学び」を原点として- 高橋 泰道13
第3学年「じしゃくのふしぎ」の授業実践を通して- 井上 あさひ16
-小学校第6学年「ものの燃え方」の実践- 平島 和雄19
基づく科学的な説明とロイロノートの活用- 峯田 武典22
●環境構成から「最適」な働き掛けを探る理科授業-第5学年「ヒトのたんじょう(動物の誕生)」の実践を通して- 岩本 哲也25
●個別最適な学びへの挑戦-授業実践の記録- 田部井 淳28
-自分の学びの振り返りと他者との学びの共有- 田村 響太郎31
-学習者主体の探究活動を通して- 栃山 裕策34
目指す「浮力」の授業実践を通して- 櫻井 康之37
「光の性質」における個別最適な学びの実践- 内藤 理恵40
-高等学校物理での実践事例から- 粉川 雄一郎43
糸電話で試行錯誤 宮内 卓也 46
試験管の空気の探究③ 田中 千尋 48
思考を深めるペーパークラフト(その6) 岸 正太郎 50
●Let’s Try!理科授業のDX
天体の単元の授業づくり 矢野 充博 52
物体があるように見える「光④」 荒尾 真一 54
「枠を超えよ」ナインドット 辻本 昭彦 56
(二次案内) 57
学会通信 62
総目次 63
次号予告 72
学名:Ardea cinerea
表紙・本文デザイン:辻井 知
Society of Japan Science Teaching
To Realize “Individually Optimal Learning” in Science Instruction
5 To Reconsider Science Instruction From the Viewpoint of “Individually Optimal Learning” : Seeking a Flexible Problem-solving Method
NARUKAWA Tetsuya, Fukushima University, Fukushima
9 Learning Environment of “Individually Optimal Learning” in Science Instruction : Lesson Planning to Explore Nature Scientifically, Based on the Curriculum Guidelines
FUJIMOTO Yoshihiro, Okayama University of Science, Okayama
13 Aiming to Realize “Individually Optimal Learning” Based on the Questions Which Children Raise : Using “Self-Learning” at Small-sized Classroom As the Starting Point
TAKAHASHI Taidou, The University of Shimane, Shimane
16 Promotion of “Individually Optimal Learning” and “Collaborative Learning” By Sharing My Information with Others : Practice of “Wonders of Magnets” in 3rd Grade
INOUE Asahi, Shimada Dai-go Elementary School, Shizuoka
19 Instructional Design in Which Children Feel a Connection and Excitement : Practice of “Burning Substances in Air” in 6th Grade
HIRASHIMA Kazuo, Kaisei Compulsory Education School, Kyoto
22 To Help Children Exercise Self-discipline and Deepen their Learning Individually : The Use of LoiLoNote and Scientific Explanation Based on Argument Structure
MINETA Takenori, Oshimizu Elementary School, Kanagawa
25 From Environment Configuration, Science Lessons Are Developed to Make Them “Optimal” Learning : Practice of “Birth of Animals” in 5th Grade
IWAMOTO Tetsuya, Ajihara Elementary School, Osaka
28 The Challenge to Individually Optimal Learning : Records of Instructional Practice
TABEI Jun, Tachikawa Municipal Dai-hachi Elementary School, Tokyo
31 Individually Optimal Learning Through “Assignment,” “Conclusion,” and “Looking Back on Reflection” : Sharing of Reflection on My Own Learning with Others
TAMURA Kyotaro, Iwata Municipal Nambu Lower Secondary School, Shizuoka
34 Realization of “Individually Optimization”דCollaborative Learning” in the Inquiry-Based Science : Through Student-centered Explorative Activity
TOCHIYAMA Yusaku, Gakuyou Lower Secondary School, Shizuoka
37 Individually Optimal Learning in the “Discovery Processes” : Instructional Practice of “Buoyancy,” Aiming to Unify with Cooperative Learning
SAKURAI Yasuyuki, Lower Secondary School Attached to Gunma University, Gunma
40 To Inspire “My Questions” and “Reflection” to Active Learning : Practice of Individually Optimal Learning About “Properties of Light” in 7th Grade
NAITO Rie, Komazawa Lower Secondary School, Tokyo
43 Individually Optimal Learning and Teacher’s Leadership : Practical Examples of High School Physics
KOGAWA Yuichiro, Namiki Secondary School, Ibaraki
46 Demonstrations to Attract Students
48 Hot Pursuit of Science Material Development
50 Tips to Spice up Instructional Materials
52 Let’s Try! DX in Science Lesson
54 Inquiry-based Lessons Aimed at Constructing Conceptions
56 My Teacher Is a Science Magician <NEXT>
A table of contents is translated into English by KAKIHARA Seiji